Relocation call
Relocation call: We were looking for a new place to call home. We traveled to various states hoping we would feel called to move there. We wanted a strong “YES!”. The places we chose did not speak. We needed a new perspective. Finally, we decided to call on Nand. I am so grateful we did. […]
read moreEmpath classes
Empath classes: These classes were life changing for me. I have known I was empathic for a long time but was never really sure what to do with that knowledge. I read several books on the matter, listened to people along the way but nothing really resonated. Nand’s techniques are deceptively simple. Within days of […]
read moreI just wanted to say thank you…
I just wanted to say thank you for holding the lantern of confidence through the sea off everyone’s fears and doubts about my body’s ability to heal. It takes a very skilled practitioner to consistently stand in that place certainty and just want you to know that I see this.
read moreHealing & On Going Repair
Update for the day post healing with Stephen – no pain. My energy is up. My mind is starting to clear significantly and I’m getting back to feeling like myself again. I decided to put off the official review a little longer as I see how many things get better. He only worked on my […]
read moreHIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PROTOCOL TO ANYONE MAKING HEALTH AND WELLBEING DECISIONS – CLS Monthly: Intuitive Readings, Medical Intuitive, Grounding, Balancing, & Protections
I wish to express my gratitude to Nand for taking on my son and I during this crazy global Covid Pandemic. He is helping us make informed decisions and staying as healthy and protected as possible. It is only with Nand protective intutive healing and shield that we felt confident in navigating this ongoing situation. […]
read moreI HAVE REACHED A PLACE OF RESTORED HEALTH THAT I DIDN’T DREAM WAS POSSIBLE – Life Purpose Readings, Medical Intuitive, & Intuitive Readings
In less than 6 months Nand has become part of a circle of advisors I look to help me navigate my business, my relationships and my life. I came to Nand after 4 years of growing symptions around Lyme and related coinfections. I had tried multiple treatments and many different modalities and I was tired, […]
read moreTHE CASE OF DAVID AND DANIEL – Intensive Grounding and Balancing, Past Life Review, plus Medical Intuitive
These boys (David and Daniel) were given a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder. The boys began to demonstrate what the current school system classified them as having disabilities. The manifestations included not sitting still for long, not following instructions readily or sometimes behaving like the class clown. They were always functioning below grade level because their teachers used their behavior differences as an excuse for not teaching them. I reached out to Dr. Stephen Foster (Creative Life Sciences)…
read moreNERVE PAIN HEALING, ON-GOING REPAIR, AND EMBRACING LIFE – Healing, Medical Intuitive, & Intuitive Readings
Update for the day post healing with Stephen – no pain. My energy is up. My mind is starting to clear significantly and I’m getting back to feeling like myself again. I decided to put off the official review a little longer as I see how many things get better. He only worked on my facial issue but I’m seeing drastic results everywhere. I am going to say all of this just to stress how drastic this has been and how quickly this healing worked. I have been to several different types of healers in the past and can assure you I had zero results…
read moreSPOT-ON READINGS AND INSIGHTS – Intuitive Readings
Nand is consistently spot-on in his readings of situations, and his insights always valuable in how to handle them.
read moreBINDI – BELOVED PET HEALED – PART 1 – Medical Intuitive & Pet Healing
To any who readily believe, might believe or cannot imagine believing: I am writing to share an incredible and life changing experience I was privileged to be a part of – thanks to Les Martin … and the powers that be. In early April 2018, my beloved pit bull, at the young age of 4, […]
read moreBINDI – BELOVED PET HEALED – PART 2 – Medical Intuitive & Pet Healing
One additional occurrence that I mustn’t neglect to share as it truly gives substance to this entire experience that I wish to share with whoever may be reading this. In mid-October, 2018, my dog developed lumps all over her face, head and neck within about 2 hours. It looked as if she was attacked and […]
read morePET HEALING & REPAIR – Medical Intuitive, Aura & Chakra Repair, & Energy Balancing
We never used healing services in the past, and it was our first time we contacted and asked for services from Les. We decided to contact him because one of our dogs was started to having back issues for a few days, and the other one has had a heart condition. We just wanted to […]
read moreDEPRESSION GONE AND PHYSICAL ISSUES REPAIRED – Medical Intuitive, Aura & Chakra Repair, & Energy Balancing
Four years ago, I began experiencing several issues both emotional and physical. I was having one chronic female related health issue after another. I had hit a bottom of depression and really had no hope I’d get better. My mom had her friend Les Martin work on me without telling me and 2 days later […]
read moreDISCOVERED I AM AN EMPATH – Intuitive Reading, Energy Balancing & Life Purpose Reading
My experience started with Nand when I was emotionally over loaded and had no idea why. I had never felt like this in my life and didn’t know where to turn. My niece told me to call and I am so happy I did. Come to find out at 58 years old I’m an empath. […]
read moreWOW! YAY! I HAVE MY OUTDOOR SUMMERS BACK AGAIN! – Medical Intuitive & Energy Balancing
I would get so HOT! For two yrs I had to stay inside in the summer. I went through menopause at early age and didn’t have much trouble with hot flashes. Now I am a active 67 year young and l love to be out side especially hiking. I had to stay inside last two […]
read moreREMOVAL OF PAIN, SENSITIVITY, AND BLOCKAGES IN ENERGY FIELD – Medical Intuitive & Energy Balancing
I met Nand at a community healing event. He was one of the 3 healers there and he was amazing. I went there with pain and sensitiveness in the area of my surgery and he made it all go away in less than 15 minutes. It’s been 10 days since I saw him and I […]
I have been relying on consulting with Nand Harjani as my intuitive, counsel, and teacher since 2006. To adequately describe all the amazing work he has done would be impossible in a page. He does not only help guide you by seeing the future or being able to intuit what other people are thinking, feeling […]
read moreOVARIAN CYST REDUCTION AND TRANSFORMATION – Medical Intuitive & Energy Balancing
I received healing sessions from Nand Harjani in 2014. This was regarding a surgery on October 31, 2014 to remove an ovarian cyst that had grown to be the size of a volleyball. In conjunction with the surgery, I received the healing to get the cyst to be small and malleable as possible for the […]
read moreTRULY GRATEFUL FOR QUICK AND LONG-LASTING RESULTS – Medical Intuitive, Chakra Repair & Energy Balancing
Recently I had an UTI which is very uncomfortable, as most women know. I do not like to take antibiotics as I do not feel they really help in removing the infection from the body, but only suppress it. I asked Nand if he could help me and he said yes. Within 2 hours of […]
read moreACCURATE PREDICTIONS AND ADVICE – Intuitive Readings
Nearly four years ago while I was looking for work, you told me I would be offered a job soon and sure enough I was offered a job shortly afterwards. You gave me a talisman that I still wear to this day, thank you! Last year, when we got together, I mentioned that I was […]
July 3, 2014 I had my first ever session with Creative Life Sciences. The person who provided this service was Nand Harjani. I have never had a session before with anyone or any organization prior to this experience. I was very curious going into the session to ascertain whether Nand would be able to provide […]
read morePROFOUND READING – Intuitive Reading
Nand was profound! It amazes me how “tapped in” he was and how he could know things about a person that there is no other way of knowing. Nand fit so much into an hour – he gets information so quickly. Amazing! We’ll see how it all plays out in the next few months. He […]
read moreLIFE PURPOSE DEFINED & HEALING – Life Purpose & Energy Balancing
When I was introduced to Nand at a conference, he shook my hand and said, “Hello, you’re a healer, why aren’t you doing something with that?” During phone and Skype sessions following our initial meeting, he instantly removed carpal tunnel pain, back pain, and other discomforts I was experiencing. And when I was battling a […]
I attended a public talk of Nand’s and was healed of a shoulder injury. For more than 3 years I was getting chiropractic and acupuncture treatments to treat my injury yet from this one group session with Nand I was healed! I highly recommend attending one of his public talks – which are also VERY […]
read moreTHE REAL DEAL – Intuitive Reading & Life Purpose
Nand is the real deal. He is connected to a way of knowing that goes beyond our normal ways. He tapped into my life’s purpose, which I had put on hold, and gave me concrete steps to do to get back on my path. I know what he told me was true. Now I am […]
read moreNEVER EXPERIENCED ANYTHING LIKE IT – Intuitive Reading & Life Purpose
I’ve never experienced anything like it… It was like going to Heaven and getting a hug from God! I felt validated and many things were confirmed for me. He also gave me specific dates of when things would be occurring in my life, including when I would meet my soul mate and also when I […]
read moreDEPRESSION LIFTING – Medical Intuitive & Energy Balancing
have been struggling with depression and anxiety for years, but it got worse after menopause. When I met Nand, I was feeling that I needed some help or I might get sucked under into the emptiness
read moreTHANKS TO MY MOM – Medical Intuitive, Intuitive Reading, Chakra Repair, Energy Balancing & Life Purpose
Everyone in the world should experience Nand! He helped me to see things in a different way. This man is special and he has a special gift. I am only 20 years old, but had a life threatening staph infection my ankle. I was told I could lose my leg and possibly my life. My […]
read moreAMAZING ACCURACY – Intuitive Reading
With amazing accuracy, Nand told me when I would meet my wife, become financially stable and even that part of my Life Purpose was to play the piano. He showed me the exact piano keys to touch, and when I did the music channeled into me. This was only a few years ago. Today I […]
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